Step 1: Do something nice for someone!
Search for ways that you can help those around you. It does not matter if it is big or small because what is really important is making somebody smile!
Step 2: Share it!
Let us know how you made someone smile so that we can add you to our goal! Post it on social media, send us an email, or fill out the form here on our website!
Step 3: Do it again!
Always be aware of ways you can serve! There are lots of people to help, so go find them! Bring along a friend or two cause we love growing our Supernan team!
Meet The Members of Team Supernan!

Courtney King
Our fourteen-year-old piece of bubblegum with an adventurous spirit that always jumps into new things and eats Cheerios by the box. Not only can she spurt off all of the latest NFL and BYU stats, but she'll look dang cute while doing it.

Savannah King
Our (very lovable) gangsta that can car jam like no other, tells the best jokes, and will never take off her socks. While she doesn't write for the Daily Planet (yet) you can find her musings on her blog.

Emilee King
Our own Rapunzel because she has long hair and stays in her room--usually to get caught up on a series or write her own. Yell that Captain America is lame to get her attention, just be prepared for a presentation on why you're wrong.